As of 2023, two-thirds of the global population uses a mobile device for communication, entertainment, and day-to-day living. People cannot imagine a life without the presence of smartphones to support a functional lifestyle.
This worldwide addiction has proven to be a profitable avenue for digital marketers with zero signs of stumped growth. As the world continues to rely on the convenience of cell phones, mobile marketing continues to evolve with strategic plans to push mobile advertising.
This article will discuss the current state of mobile marketing and the modern benefits and strategies that can give your company the competitive edge to succeed across mobile apps and platforms.
What are the Benefits of Mobile Marketing?
Over half of the world’s ad spending happens through a mobile device. The US market alone contributes to the increasing sales made through phone apps and mobile web trafficking because potential customers can be reached at any time and at any place.
For any business looking for a space to advertise its product or services, the mobile marketing route guarantees profit, connection, and plentiful opportunities. There are a few downsides that cannot rival the many benefits provided by this form of marketing.
If we have already entered the age where young children are allowed a cellular device, that fact alone shows how many consumers own a mobile device. No person goes a full day without checking their phones, which makes it easy for digital marketers to target clients and customers at specific hours of the day.
Mobile data, security, and handheld authorization methods have also made it convenient for users to save their credit card information for quick one-click browsing and shopping options. Apps centralized around a specific brand also promote special mobile discounts and coupons that encourage frequent visits.
Mobile marketing thrives off the immediacy of push notifications, texts, emails, and various alerts pulling people to their phones regularly. Knowing this, marketers strategize around cellular convenience and analytics that suggest instant gratification.
One survey revealed that 7 out of 10 consumers enjoy ads tailored to their interests and are more likely to buy. While the mobile atmosphere caters to a billion online users, technology has advanced enough to categorize users into specific groups and niches based on their likes, shares, and areas of engagement.
Right now, the internet has adopted an algorithm that collects data capable of pushing ad shorts, promoted images, and content related to your recent browsing searches. Several apps and social media sites currently model their marketing strategies around personalized content that meshes well with the user’s daily feeds and stories.
Cost Effective
In comparison to the amount of production and money that goes into an advertisement, mobile marketing would be considered a cost-effective approach. A TV commercial or well-budgeted YouTube video could become expensive when considering the set, the actors, the editing, and other features while mobile ads are instantaneous to grab our attention.
Mobile marketing also allows a variety of different communication channels and broadens pricing options that fit the affordable budget. An eye-catching graphic design and clickbait headlines make this marketing strategy more appealing due to minimalistic features that return a generous profit and increase a mobile device’s open rate.
How Can Mobile Marketing Influence Your Company?
The benefits that surround mobile marketing are ingrained in our culture with no signs of stopping. The public performs daily actions on their smartphones and contributes to more business transactions than any other method.
A small business or start-up company can receive early gains by implementing a mobile marketing strategy. Here are some of the ways this approach can influence the growth and success of your business.
User Response Tracking
One of the reasons why the convenience factor is appealing is because immediacy also applies to the user experience and receiving feedback and responses in real-time. Marketers know the value of analytical data, so clicks, online reviews, and general impressions help improve the online space to be more convenient.
Geolocation is another influential marketing tool that provides consumers with options based on their current location. Businesses can send time-sensitive offers and alerts when a potential customer is near a store or restaurant. Approximately 70% of this mobile campaign leverages location-based tech to better serve consumers and their needs.
In the realm of social media, there is always a chance for a marketing message, video, or tweet to go viral within the community. The internet is an open source for information, and the shareability feature for most apps and websites is free promotion for products and services.
Marketing through mobile applications develops more opportunities for positive exposure and word of mouth to spread across different platforms and social channels. If a sponsored tweet or video post catches enough attention, the virality can lead consumers back to the source.
Boost SEO Rankings
In addition to the virality of your company’s online presence, exposure also has the potential to boost your brand’s search engine rankings. The accumulated website traffic across all your company’s social channels lets certain search engines recognize the relevancy of your business and further promotion.
Mobile apps that prioritize page speed, design, and SEO content typically have higher search engine rankings due to targeted posts and an optimized user experience. Continuous mobile support mixed with consistent posing and engagement keeps your brand and business in the mind of consumers.
Mobile marketing opens opportunities for businesses that are in the transition of adapting their company towards the digital era. Retail, customer service, and livelihoods are now shared and enjoyed through portable devices, pooling in attention and revenue for anyone willing to build a concrete strategy around it.
Globally, smartphones have proven their importance and influence for advertisers, and a marketing strategy can only improve a company’s chance at exposure, increased revenue, and constant updates of the user experience.