Through every step of your business venture, you will come across various models and strategies that lead toward the path of success. Competing companies have the means to prioritize career paths that align with their vision and goals.
In the case of today’s outsourcing models, two forms come into mind: Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and Business Process Management (BPM). Both models dedicate their goals to perfecting business tasks and delivering the best work output to clients and organizations. However, there is still confusion between the two terms.
This article will differentiate the meaning between the two business models and how each benefits the company’s footing in the financial world.
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO)
When a company considers hiring a BPO provider, the given tasks are usually nonessential and stray from the core business plan. From IT professionals to standard HR assistants, business process outsourcing is still a common and reliable practice among companies.
BPO services flourish on quick and easy work sent to their place of business. Expansive corporations with a lot on their plate have little time and energy for administrative tasks and customer services. Instead of hiring new employees, these companies rely on BPO providers to assign clerical duties to experienced workers.
Team Management Style
The relationship between the company and the BPO provider is simple. The workers receive instructions on completing the tasks from the supervising business and finish within the allotted time.
What separates this model from business process management is the distance in relations. Many BPO providers come from different regions of the world, making communication scarce and necessary when needed.
Small and mid-sized businesses keep the relationship strictly remote and keep any contact with the BPO staff to a minimum.
Process Efficiency
With BPO providers, you expect the quality of work to equal the amount of pay. Companies reach out to these businesses with expectations of what their services can provide. Depending on the type of work, BPO staff can carry out their assigned duties by the deadline.
However, the business might come across a staff that requires more guidance than necessary. The details can get lost in translation, or the provider might not live up to the standards expected by the company, leading to more time and money spent on explanations.
Cost Optimization
The reason there is a frequent need for BPO providers is their cheap labor costs. Companies can save money by hiring a preexisting team of trained experts experienced in the work field. It is a form of financial budgeting to maximize growth and expansion.
Small and mid-sized businesses prefer BPO services because of the extra skilled workers they are receiving. A decent BPO provider can deliver technicians, receptionists, and other professionals with the necessary training and guidance. Unless the task asks for a specific skill set, most BPO staff members will have no trouble with administrative duties.
Business Process Management (BPM)
If business process outsourcing takes care of menial tasks, then business process management creates effective ways to make business operations efficient. This service focuses on developing a system that can manage its responsibilities.
Compared to BPO, business process management is more complex. A BPM provider has a team of highly skilled individuals who can thoroughly research and analyze the methods that go into developing an effective business process. These methods include:
Design: The blueprints of a business process. This stage investigates the state of the process and how it should develop.
Model: Different scenarios play out to study the business process and how it reacts in certain situations.
Implement: Deciding to see if the process works with human intervention or automated tools.
Monitor: The team keeps an eye on the process for flaws and areas of improvement.
Iterate: Necessary changes made to the business process. The steps repeat until the process becomes flawless and with minimal errors.
Team Management Style
Unlike BPO, a respectable BPM provider has effective communication tactics with its employees. The relationship between employer and employee forms through mentoring and training. All workers stay updated on the correct procedures, equipment, and training methods to do their job efficiently.
If a staff member decides to transfer or leave the BPM provider, detailed roadmaps and exit strategies exist to keep the business functioning. Clients will not need to stress over changes because the BPM provider has constructed and tested answers for these scenarios.
Process Efficiency
Since the main goals of a BPM provider are to maximize business performance and efficiency, there are fewer issues when it comes to staying on task. The company stays connected with the BPM provider by supplying details on business operations and how the overall vision should look.
BPM providers rely more on automated tools and software to support a consistent balance of management and outsourcing operations. This method also helps reduce employee burnout and keeps all daily processes running smoothly.
Cost Optimization
BPM providers have a lot more benefits to offer than BPO providers. With a closer relationship among staff members and detailed plans and strategies, the cost of hiring a BPM provider matches the type of quality you can expect.
Your type of business will depend on the type of provider you choose. Understanding your process and workload can give you an idea of how to prioritize your business needs.
BPOs can handle small day-to-day tasks, while BPMs structure your business processes to function without trouble. The BPM approach requires more attention and careful strategizing to offer tremendous help. BPO services can be a financial crutch to keep you afloat while you think of your next business strategy.
These two providers will come in handy at various stages of your growth, giving you the upper hand over competing businesses.