Higher Education Services
Ease the overwhelming start of a new school semester with Instlytics, your dependable choice. Our expertise lies in exceptional administrative services such as application processing, transcript evaluations, and financial aid assessment. Trust us to streamline these processes, ensuring a smooth transition into the academic year.
College Transcript Evaluations for Your Admissions and Records Office
We know that you may have seasonal or permanent needs to manage your transcripts. Let us help you to get your students ready for their first day of class by helping you identify the courses that they can waive at your institution.
We help institutions with transcript evaluation workloads to ensure that courses transferred can be accounted for prior to registration.
Transcript evaluation services include:
Course evaluations to determine transferability based on the institution’s guidelines.
Entry of transferred courses into the institution’s records system.
Admissions Application Processing and Screening
Instlytics takes pride in providing speedy and quality driven turnaround times to support your admissions process. We meet you where you have the most need.
Admissions offices are sometimes overwhelmed with the seasonal flow of applications to meet application deadlines and ensure students are ready to start the term or academic year.
Instlytics provides services to include:
Application review
Data entry

Financial Aid Processing
From student eligibility, to awarding, reconciliation, and audits. Instlytics, has you covered with your processes with experts who are knowledgeable and experienced in streamlining and processing applications for eligibility, awarding funds in accordance with Federal and State regulations, and ensuring that your accounts are reconciled and up to date.
Financial Aid services to help institutions beat the payment deadlines for students to secure their classes.
Financial Aid services include:
Student eligibility review including verification.
Need assessment and awarding.
Reconciliation of accounts.
Student support (email or phone).
Documentation creation, review, or updates in accordance to Federal and State guidelines.
Consulting for process review.

General Data Entry
We know time is of the essence in your organization. Don’t let data entry tasks slow you down. Contact us so we know how we can help in your data entry process. We can assess your needs to determine if data entry is still the route you need to take or if automation services can be an option.
Data entry can be overwhelming at times, from test scores to odd administrative tasks. Please let us know your data entry needs and our staff will be happy to assist with recommendations or direct data entry services.

Contact Us
We are here for questions or consulting